Monday, December 29, 2008

Pics from the edge (of my roof)

It was such an incredible day for the end of December I decided to take a few pics, all from the roof.  all were taken a few days ago, except for this first one which I took a few months ago.  

Monday, December 15, 2008

A recent visit to the beach

A few weeks ago, just before the weather started turning cold, I took probably my last trip to the beach until next year and snapped a few pics.  It was just south of Huntington, at a place I used to love going to when I lived nearby in Costa Mesa. I would go down after work in the summer, around 6:30, when all the crowds had gone home for the day, and spend a couple hours until sunset.  I never really fully appreciated just how much of a difference moving just 20 minutes away from the ocean would make, but then we never fully appreciate anything we have until it's gone.